March For Jesus international

123 Main Street New York, NY 10001

Our Ministry

March for Jesus international
march for jesus international

About Us

March for Jesus International is a non-profit, non-political, interdenominational organization that brings together thousands of Christians from around the world in an annual celebration of faith and love.

Our Values

Priority to Christ:

The Lord Jesus is the center of the March. The whole event is centered on Him, exalting His power, love and sacrifice.


We promote unity among the different Christian denominations and churches, putting aside differences and focusing on what unites us: our love for Christ.


Prayer is central to everything we do. We seek God's guidance and favor in every step of the organization and realization of the March.


We strive to deliver a high quality event that inspires participants and glorifies God...

Our Mission

Our mission is to exalt the name of Jesus Christ and proclaim his message of salvation through a great public manifestation of Christian unity and love.

What do we do?

Each year, we organize marches in cities around the world. These marches are massive events that include music, praise, prayer, preaching and a message of hope for all.

How can you participate?

There are many ways to participate in the March for Jesus International:

  • Attend the March in your city.
  • Pray for the March.
  • Donate to support the March.
  • Volunteer in the organization of the March.