March For Jesus international

One   Nation
One   God

march for jesus
marcha para jesus

God’s people unite to exalt Jesus’ name

Upcoming events

Caminata de la alegría Valencia Venezuela

Caminata de la alegría Valencia Venezuela

Prayer Walk
20 April 2024
March for Jesus France 2024

March for Jesus France 2024

25 May 2024
Marcha para Jesus Perú 2024

Marcha para Jesus Perú 2024

25 May 2024

We believe that we were called
to the unity in Christ

The March for Jesus international is an evangelistic tool
for the whole world to know Jesus through that unity.

“ that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me” John 17:21

Find the route of the
march in your country

Check the routes of the March for Jesus in your city


Meet some of the organizations and ministries that support us

Building Christ's Church

As the people of God our mission is great, to make known the name of Jesus in every language and nation. Together we can do it.

Countries Marching
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Affiliated Ministries
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